Cheap ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card - Discover the Secrets of Buying for Cheap
If you need cheap ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card you may have to do some research.
The price of ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card can depend on several things. So if you are looking for cheap ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card you may need to do some comparison shopping.
One thing that may come into play when you are searching for cheap ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card is the model of the ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card.
Another thing that may be a factor is the guarantee offered on the ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card. You may be able to find cheap ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card but the guarantee may not be for a very long amount of time.
You can find cheap ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card if you buy in quantity. When you buy in quantity you may be able to find cheap ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card, at least they should be cheaper than only buying one or two at a time.
Cheap ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card may also be less expensive if you are able to procure free shipping. Free shipping is sometimes available and makes cheap ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card even a better deal.
Look for cheap ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card in catalogues that sell ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card. You can find cheap ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card online.
Check out the prices on ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card at several sites before you buy.
You want to collect all your data before you decide where to buy cheap ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card. Take into consideration all the information above before you buy cheap ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card.
Using EBay Auction is one of the easiest ways to find really cheap ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card.
Click Picture Below to see great prices for ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card on Ebay:

Product Details:
ADS API 315 Pyro 3 Port 400Mbps 64 Bit PCI Card:
MODEL- API-315 VENDOR- ADS TECHNOLOGIES FEATURES- PYRO PCI 64 r2- Retail box PYRO PYRO PCI 64 is one of the few Avid-Approved DV in/out PCI cards for your computer. The OHCI-compliant card and cable work flawlessly with Avid XpressDV. It features the latest in chip technology from Texas Instruments and supports 64-bit PCI slots. * RoHS compliant * Avid Approved for XpressDV 3.+ * 64-bit PCI compatible * Capture and Edit Digital Video * OHCI-Compliant * Three external 1394FireWire ports * Transfer data at 400 Mb/Sec. * Connect to Hard Drives, Printers, Scanners, Cameras and more. -- SPECIFICATIONs ------------------------------------ INTERFACE/BUS- 64-bit PCI CONNECTORs - (6) External IEEE-1394a/FireWire ports (6-pin) CHIPSET - Texas Instruments BUS SPEED - 100, 200, 400 Mb/sec. IRQ - An IRQ is required. IRQ can be shared if motherboard provides this capability through PCI steering. # DEVICES - Connect up to 63 1394 devices to PYRO. Connect to Digital camcorders, 1394 storage devices (hard drives, CD-ROM, CD-RW), scanners, speakers, etc. MOTION VIDEO CAPTURE- NTSC : Type -1 DV video in 720 x 480 resolution in 24-bit color. PAL : Type -1 DV video in 720 x 576 resolution in 24-bit color. Data Rate: Video is captured at 3.9 MB/second MOTION VIDEO FRAME RATE- NTSC: 29.97 frames per second PAL : 25 frames per second STILL IMAGE CAPTURE- NTSC:
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Really Cheap EVGA e GeForce 8800GTS 320 MB PCIe Video Card - Cheaper Is Not Always Better
I am still shocked on how many great and rare stuff you can find on ebay. Though not that rare, last week I bought EVGA e GeForce 8800GTS 320 MB PCIe Video Card off of ebay for such a great price!
Some advice for you online shoppers, if you have not checked out ebay yet then please do.
A rule of thumb here is always check ebay first. For instance when I bought the EVGA e GeForce 8800GTS 320 MB PCIe Video Card from ebay, i saved nearly 35% on the product compared to prices for it on other online stores.
If you are interested in a EVGA e GeForce 8800GTS 320 MB PCIe Video Card then check the auctions I have left below. You will deffinetly get the best price on EVGA e GeForce 8800GTS 320 MB PCIe Video Card.
Click Picture Below to see great prices for EVGA e GeForce 8800GTS 320 MB PCIe Video Card on Ebay:

Product Details:
EVGA e GeForce 8800GTS 320 MB PCIe Video Card:
Founded in 1999, EVGA has grown exponentially in the channel, serving the system builder, distribution and retail markets with products that offer the highest in quality and customer satisfaction, thereby making the computing experience transparent to the hardware in the box.PRODUCT FEATURES:NVIDIA unified architecture with GigaThread technology;Full Microsoft DirectX 10 Shader Model 4.0 support;NVIDIA SLI ready;16x full-screen anti-aliasing;True 128-bit floating-point high dynamic-range (HDR) lighting;NVIDIA quantum effects physics processing technology;Two dual-link DVI outputs support two 2560x1600 resolution displays;NVIDIA PureVideo technology;PCI Express support;OpenGL 2.0 support;NVIDIA nView multi-display technology.
Check out these great prices on EVGA e GeForce 8800GTS 320 MB PCIe Video Card & Similar products on Ebay:You can check out similar products on as well: