Finding A Cheap ACP KMK034 04 USB PS2 Spongebob Keyboard Kidzmouse Colorful Kids Keyboard For You
ACP KMK034 04 USB PS2 Spongebob Keyboard Kidzmouse Colorful Kids Keyboard is by far the best quality! Its superior to anything else like it! I highly recommend it. I left some details, pictures and price listings of ebay auctions on ACP KMK034 04 USB PS2 Spongebob Keyboard Kidzmouse Colorful Kids Keyboard.
I suggest checking ebay for the best price on ACP KMK034 04 USB PS2 Spongebob Keyboard Kidzmouse Colorful Kids Keyboard.
That is where I bought mine and I cant tell you enough great things about buying on ebay.
Click Picture Below to see great prices for ACP KMK034 04 USB PS2 Spongebob Keyboard Kidzmouse Colorful Kids Keyboard on Ebay:

Product Details:
ACP KMK034 04 USB PS2 Spongebob Keyboard Kidzmouse Colorful Kids Keyboard:
SpongeBob SquarePants is a Kid Friendly (US English) keyboard with only the keys that kids need. Function keys, pause/break and num lock have all been eliminated. It features standard size keys but rounded to fit the child's hand; fewer keys than an adult size keyboard: 67 keys versus 104 keys on adult keyboard. Touch typing compatible: standard key spacing and Qwerty layout (for alphabet keys).The SpongeBob Keyboard has built-in software to help little kids avoid inadvertently getting run-on letters when they're hunting for a key (cattttttttttttttttt). This was the most requested feature from KidzMouse's design input from teachers. Kidzmouse Keys only sends one character per key press. The product also features a fun keyboard shape and bright colors.
Check out these great prices on ACP KMK034 04 USB PS2 Spongebob Keyboard Kidzmouse Colorful Kids Keyboard & Similar products on Ebay:You can check out similar products on as well: